Making time go by

Got an idé on how to make time pass quicker today!
The plan was simple:
1. See is I could remember the lyrics to a song, preferably a long one. Landed on Weird Al's "Drive thru"!
2. Hum the whole song in a row without being interrupted!

Sadly I failed at both... The song is 10 min, think I got like 4-5 min into it without any interference from co-workers, customers or my own thoughts... Well well, have a few others in mind for future attempts: Nightwish's "Ghost Love Score", Scar Symmetry's "Holographic Universe" or Green day's "Jesus of Suburbia"!


Postat av: Kimpan

Ghost Love score blir ju inte så svår att kunna texten till, men däremot så blir det nog rätt jobbigt att nynna igenom diverse solon :P

2010-02-19 @ 09:43:42
Postat av: Anton

haha jo, lite det som blir utmaningen =p tror dock att drive thru är den låt med mest text som jag kan komma på :o

2010-02-19 @ 10:17:09

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