Random stuff

The other day while I was helping a customer, another customer stops me and starts describing what he was looking for and apperently had been waiting far too long for. I listen, he could have been asking for directions or something, and then said: "Sorry, I'm helping another customer at the moment. I can help you in a few minutes". The guy's face turns red and he yells: "And you wait until now to say that?! What a waste of time...", turns around and walks off. I was like "WTF?!"
Lovely catch22 moments! If I would have interrupted him straight away he would probobly just have been pissed casuse I didn't even listen too him...

Same scenario, different day. I was helping an elder woman find a wardrobe(insteed of enjoying my lunch...) and then someone says from behind me: -"Sorry, where've u bought your glasses?" There stand the two cutest girls I've seen since we came to the UK. *almost jaw dropping to the floor* "Back home in Sweden I'm afraid" -"Oh, too bad. Well they look really good on you!"
Pretty random, still made my day!


Postat av: Greven

Älskar sånt... Hände mig dagligen när jag jobbade på biltema. Står och lyssnar på kunden och väntar på ett tillfälle för att kunna säga att man hjälper någon annan. BonkerzzzzzZZZZzz!

2010-02-15 @ 00:10:07

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