We're back!

"And he said, Let there be internet: and there was internet."

A few weeks has past since our last post, just wanna thank all Englishmen for the "fast and and effective" way things are done over here... Cheers!
Ex 1: our estate agency told us that the flat would be ready for us at 10.30 am. 15.30 pm we recived our key and was allowed to enter >.<
Ex 2: We need broadband, how can we check prices etc.? "Well, you can check their website"...
Ex. 3: Stoffe orders his laptop and it's suppose to be in the store the following day. "Oh sorry, due to the bad weather, the computer could not be delivered". We had no snow/rain/heavy wind or temp below 0 etc. at the time...


Postat av: Johan

Hade Honken sett den hade han nog kollapsat av gasarv...

2010-02-13 @ 13:19:01

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