Krazy UK

UK is a strange country. For example, if I shovel/clear my steps and someone tripps on them and end up with a broken leg, I will get sued...

Anyway.. Second day at IKEA, Health and Saftey course + review of our first tasks in the self-serve department. Loads of nice co-workers, though none of them seem to understand why we moved from Sweden and even less why we came to Croydon, apparently it's kinda rough around here :p

- Quote of the day -
Tobbe talkes about Widowmaker from the movie "Full Metal Jacket", then Stoffe(Big Björn) states:
"I have a Widowmaker of my own... my monster dong!"
Me and Tobbe looks at Stoffe and askes:
"So you fuck guys til' they die?! that's just gay..." lulz

//Katten Jaensson

Postat av: Kimpan

Men så är det ju i Sverige också, det e väl lag på att skotta uppfart, trappa etc..

2010-01-09 @ 09:38:43
Postat av: Anton

ja men du måste inte här, men om du gör det så är det ditt fel att någon annan trillar å skadar sig.

2010-01-09 @ 12:09:26

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