Krazy Kidz

Once there was three little boys: Nils, Lennart and Jaen. They lived in a smal house in the big city and everyday was a new adventure.

One day Nils' mother came to visite the three little boys. To celebrate her arrival they decided to go out and eat dinner together, as soon as they had finished one drink each.. No, two drinks each.. Before they knew it the sun had set and the bottle was empty. Jaen went to bed since had to go up early the following day but Nils, his mother and Lennart roamed joyfully into the night, heading to the local pub.

But sadly there was no food to be found at the pub, only more booze, so the search for a meal continued. Then the three of them arrived at a junction, on the left road was a fast food restaurant and on the right road was a strip club. The three travelers abandoning their original quest and walked along the right path. A few hours and a couple of lapdances later, Nils, his mother and Lennart finally found the food they had been looking for all night.
Krazy times!

The End


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