My day had an unusuall start. 5 min into my shift the fire alarm goes of and we had to evacuate the whole building. Fun that people get frustrated/upset/angry when you try to save'em from danger... "Fire?! Whatever, can you tell where I can find a trolly?!"

Daily Achievement: Survive an IKEA-fire!


New Achievements!

Achievment unlocked: The flat, first place to live on our own! (Anton, Stoffe)

Achievment unlocked: Sleeping on cheep IKEA-cots(tältsängar). (Tobbe, Anton)

Achievment unlocked:
First time drunk in the UK.

Achievment unlocked:

We're back!

"And he said, Let there be internet: and there was internet."

A few weeks has past since our last post, just wanna thank all Englishmen for the "fast and and effective" way things are done over here... Cheers!
Ex 1: our estate agency told us that the flat would be ready for us at 10.30 am. 15.30 pm we recived our key and was allowed to enter >.<
Ex 2: We need broadband, how can we check prices etc.? "Well, you can check their website"...
Ex. 3: Stoffe orders his laptop and it's suppose to be in the store the following day. "Oh sorry, due to the bad weather, the computer could not be delivered". We had no snow/rain/heavy wind or temp below 0 etc. at the time...


Daily Achievment (New feature!)

Achievment unlocked: Work overtime for the first time! Kaching!

Achievment unlocked: By accedent saying random word in one language that sounds like an expletive or curse in another. Kaching!
Ex: "Kant"(Swedish) sounds like "Cunt"(English). In other words, yelling "Den där jävla kanten" might end up badly here in the UK...


Just back from work. T Minus: 633 minutes.

Tomorrow at 1030 we move into our flat. THATS A BINGO! Exciting indeed. Will prolly take some time to get a broadband connection so no updates or internet for us for some time. Will hear from us when were back in bussiness.



Doublepost! You sir, fail!

Daily Achievment (New feature!)

Achievment unlocked: Ride at the top floor at a double decker in the front seat. Kaching!

Daily Achievment (New feature!)

Achievment unlocked: Ride at the top floor at a double decker in the front seat. Kaching!


Forgot to update last weeks best and worst things so here it comes;

Best of last week: T-Pain calls an estate agent to get some info about a flat "Ehm auhm ebd idb eehhmm, AAAEEE vanta lite!...Hi I'm calling regarding the flat"

Worst of last week: the Carpenters: "We cant change your carpet cause of the blizzard..." There were no snow at that time ":D"


Krazy Stuff

By the way, changing carpets in an appartment is tricky with these weather conditions... That's the latest excuse we've heard as to why our appartment isn't ready...

Another thing, the streets of London are filled with red buses! They all prevent you from crossing the road, though of course when you want' em THEY don't stop for you... >.< There we where, waiting for the bus. The bus arrives and then just keep on rollin' down the street... Nothing left to do but start walking all the way to Ikea, exercise of the day *WOHO*.

Over n' out
/Katten Jaensson

Piccadilly Krazy Circus

Alright, our first day off today! Woho, well deserved if you ask me h3h3 ^^
Time for some sighseeing down central London. Since we are so very, very good at getting up in the morning we only had time for one stop, we landed on Piccadilly Circus. No disappointment there I might add :)

Piccadilly by night.

Right accross the street you'll find "Ripley's Belive it or not", a museum filled with odd, twisted and startling wonders of the world. The collection of one rich, famus american who traviled the world during the first half of the 20th century.

People with "amazing" abilitys, like this guy.

Laddergoat goes quadro horn.

That's all for now. BajBaj
/Katten Jaensson


Fucking cat

Yesterday at work Anton went bersek and stabbed me with a knife. I have a cut on my thumb now and its bleeding and hurting. Fucking cat!


the Hulks cock and more

Late night philosophy

"If Banner were to have sex and turn into the Hulk during the act, would his penis be equivalent to Magnus Samuelssons arm in size and power?"

"The Hulk is the root to all life, just look at the trees..Theyre green."

"To have sex with the Hulk youd have to be a masochist"

"Barbapapa is a weird cartoon; he is black, she is pink and then they have a hairy negro child..."

"I would also like to climb Tabbys boobs like a hedgehog"

"AND IF the Hulks dick were to be that big, wouldnt he be able to fly with it?...If he did thehelicopter"

Krazy UK

UK is a strange country. For example, if I shovel/clear my steps and someone tripps on them and end up with a broken leg, I will get sued...

Anyway.. Second day at IKEA, Health and Saftey course + review of our first tasks in the self-serve department. Loads of nice co-workers, though none of them seem to understand why we moved from Sweden and even less why we came to Croydon, apparently it's kinda rough around here :p

- Quote of the day -
Tobbe talkes about Widowmaker from the movie "Full Metal Jacket", then Stoffe(Big Björn) states:
"I have a Widowmaker of my own... my monster dong!"
Me and Tobbe looks at Stoffe and askes:
"So you fuck guys til' they die?! that's just gay..." lulz

//Katten Jaensson


Vaknade imorse av att dom testade brandlarmet, varför i helvete testar man ett brandlarm 08.20 på ett hotell?
Och inte nog med det så väckte dom godzilla igen som började springa runder, vad är det här egentligen!!

// T-Pain

Godzilla on vacation in Croydon..

Lying in bed and trying to sleep but it's impossible when godzilla in the room above us is running around like he's on crack!

Hope he's gonna go to sleep soon or else I'm gonna go nuclear on his ass!

// King Kong

Krazy Croydon

Okay.. so it's day three here in the UK with a new currency, new accent and the feeling of constantly beeing the pales in the room :P but I'm getting more and more setteld each day.
Luckily IKEA feels and look like home. Today was our first day, tour around the warehouse + individual interviews. Piece on cake!

Best so far: The "smal" bucket we bought at KFC. Even though we did split it between all three of us we could barely finish the 14 chicken pieces and 6 bags of fries ^^

- To do list -
First pinten in the UK: Check
First tattoo in the UK: ........
First ride on a dubble deck bus: Check
First flat/apartment of our own: ........
First Premier League match: .......
First Banksy art found:.......

Good night, cheers
/ Katten Jaensson
<-- me wanna find asap!


This morning my coffee tasted, sugar puffs. AND IM SERIOUS!

/Mr. Kebabish


No laptop today. 5 cms of snow apparently owns the whole Uk, nothing works...


Ps. Dont forget your shovels, emergency blankets and snow shoes when going out.

/Big Broov

Big Up

Getting familliar to Croydon during the two first days here. Realized that Tigertiger is located here, awesome! Laptop incoming tomorrow, also awesome!

Unlike T-pain Ill update in English and small updates rather than Swedish and long ones.

For the record; Uk KFC > Dk KFC

BROver & Out

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