
Just came home from walking through Croydon twice with more than 20 000 SEK in cash. Nerve breaking? I think so yes...

That's all exciting news from today afaik.

Oh, by the way, getting my first color tattoo on Tuesday at 10 :D


Family going UK

This week my parents and brother came to visit Croydon! :D

Though I was gonna meet my family after work but no, suddenly the tree of them jumped out from behind an aisle. Apperently they wanted to supprise me and check our IKEA store when we were in our blue/yellow suits. After work, all went back to our flat for inspection!

Today, all four of us went into central London. First a full tour at the Tower of London with probobly the best guide ever! After some coffee at Starbucks we went on to the Cabinet War Rooms and then on to We Will Rock You- the musical.

I <3 my family!  




/patti aka. ZEKE!


Okej, dagens fail var lätt dörren.

Efter en lång dag i Croydon kom Pernilla, Emil och jag totalt utmattade hem till Oval Road för att dega till det lite innan kvällen. Pernilla drar fram nycklen mycket dramatisk med den kaxiga "kan själv-blicken", inte fick hon upp dörren. Emil som tidigare på dagen lyckats få upp dörren utan problem försöker.. Ingenting händer.
Jag försöker.. funkar inte ;O

Efter en kvarts svordomar och ryckande i dörren går jag in till grannen (som visar sig ha two tickets to the gun show) och ber om hjälp. Överlycklig över sina nya grannar försöker även han utan reslutat.

Jag blir hulken och får upp dörren.  the end.


När Kennie tar över bloggandet

Se föregående inlägg!!!!!!

Idag åkte vi in till London, alla 8. Planen var att gå på London Dungeon. Vi hoppade av i Westminster eftersom anonym person sa att det inte var så långt. Så vi började gå. Och vi gick och gick och gick och gick. Vi hamnade till slut på London Tombs, som låg mittemot the Dungeon. Vi är väl alla ganska överens om att det var en besvikelse.

På vägen hem åkte vi till Somersfield som ligger i the ghetto ^^,
Spriten är billig, så vi är väl alla relativt berusade nu. Mest Emil och Stolf, minst Fjaeston som ska jobba imorgon.

Och ja, vi har besökt det svenskaste som finns, IKEA (och Clas Ohlsson)..
Här är också sjukt snygga kläder och skor, så vi tjejer dreglar.

Nu är det dock slut på seriösbloggandet och vi ska fortsätta limfesten!!!

före och efter Stolfs frisering

Och förresten! Här sticker man till klubbarna vid ca 9 tiden. Vi drar väl snart (kl är nu 23.10)


London - nom nom nom

Efter 3 dagar i Croydon, London kan vi konstatera tre saker

  1. Man måste säga förlåt för ALLTING!
  2. Låtsas fäll inte någon i en rulltrappa, då får man "negerdödarblicken" (Kennies verk)
  3. Låt inte Pernilla blogga, hon är kass och skriver sakta.
  4. Kennie är bäst
  5. Kennie och Patti är snyggast
  6. Nom nom nom nom
  7. Boogie Boogie hedgehog.
  8. Kennie är fortfarande bäst, oförändrat.
  9. Tobbe ser ut som Iggy Pop.
(aka Kennie)

Making time go by

Got an idé on how to make time pass quicker today!
The plan was simple:
1. See is I could remember the lyrics to a song, preferably a long one. Landed on Weird Al's "Drive thru"! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmGVYki-oyQ
2. Hum the whole song in a row without being interrupted!

Sadly I failed at both... The song is 10 min, think I got like 4-5 min into it without any interference from co-workers, customers or my own thoughts... Well well, have a few others in mind for future attempts: Nightwish's "Ghost Love Score", Scar Symmetry's "Holographic Universe" or Green day's "Jesus of Suburbia"!


Croydon - Live fran ghettot


Kor en liten gastbloggning har pa swengelska. Har aldrig bloggat for i hela mitt liv sa det blir lite spannande =)
Croydon ar nass! Vadret igar bestod av typ 10 grader och stralande sol. Idag, regn.  Flyget var ganska schledet men det ar ju alltid kul vid starten. Men ja, men nej, Pernilla tar nog en lite mer genomforlig beskrivning om allt lite senare. sorry...
En lustig grej har ar att vad f@n man an gor sa ska man saga "sorry" till allt och alla. Lite lustigt. Men va f@n det ar val som man sager hemma i sverige, ta seden (va schleden?) dit man kommer. Eller gor man det... ? Nu blev jag forvirrad...

Over and out!

// Frass
(aka Hansen)

Random stuff

The other day while I was helping a customer, another customer stops me and starts describing what he was looking for and apperently had been waiting far too long for. I listen, he could have been asking for directions or something, and then said: "Sorry, I'm helping another customer at the moment. I can help you in a few minutes". The guy's face turns red and he yells: "And you wait until now to say that?! What a waste of time...", turns around and walks off. I was like "WTF?!"
Lovely catch22 moments! If I would have interrupted him straight away he would probobly just have been pissed casuse I didn't even listen too him...

Same scenario, different day. I was helping an elder woman find a wardrobe(insteed of enjoying my lunch...) and then someone says from behind me: -"Sorry, where've u bought your glasses?" There stand the two cutest girls I've seen since we came to the UK. *almost jaw dropping to the floor* "Back home in Sweden I'm afraid" -"Oh, too bad. Well they look really good on you!"
Pretty random, still made my day!


Question of the day!

Question of the day:
Who might be hiding beneath Captain Self-Enrage's helmet?

"If I could be a superhero
I would be Captain Self-Enrage
I'd run around the world searching for conflict
With people of every age"

Captain Self-Enrage hates 5 things:
1. Religious clothes, ex. full body suites that muslim women wear.
2. All kinds of religion
3. Vegetarians
4. Unknown
5. Unknown

Answer: ?


Man the Harpoons

Last weeks weirdest:
Location: good ol' Black Sheep Bar.

I'm sitting by the bar chillin, some random chick comes up to me
"Why are u so grumpy?"
Im not grumpy, Im waiting for my friends..
Why are you so grumpy?"
Im not grumpy, Im Swedish...
She throws herself at me and shoves her tounge down my throat almost suffocating me.
"Wanna dance?"
I dont dance...
She flips me off.
I pull off my special move "Sexy eyes"

She throws herself at me and shoves her tounge down my throat almost suffocating me again.

Id like to finnish this update with a quote by Joy Turner:
"Heeey, dummies! What are u guys probably sitting here saying stupid stuff, doing stupid stuff heheeheheheheeheheheheheheheeheheheheeheheheheheheheheheheheheheheehehehehehe"


My day had an unusuall start. 5 min into my shift the fire alarm goes of and we had to evacuate the whole building. Fun that people get frustrated/upset/angry when you try to save'em from danger... "Fire?! Whatever, can you tell where I can find a trolly?!"

Daily Achievement: Survive an IKEA-fire!


New Achievements!

Achievment unlocked: The flat, first place to live on our own! (Anton, Stoffe)

Achievment unlocked: Sleeping on cheep IKEA-cots(tältsängar). (Tobbe, Anton)

Achievment unlocked:
First time drunk in the UK.

Achievment unlocked:

We're back!

"And he said, Let there be internet: and there was internet."

A few weeks has past since our last post, just wanna thank all Englishmen for the "fast and and effective" way things are done over here... Cheers!
Ex 1: our estate agency told us that the flat would be ready for us at 10.30 am. 15.30 pm we recived our key and was allowed to enter >.<
Ex 2: We need broadband, how can we check prices etc.? "Well, you can check their website"...
Ex. 3: Stoffe orders his laptop and it's suppose to be in the store the following day. "Oh sorry, due to the bad weather, the computer could not be delivered". We had no snow/rain/heavy wind or temp below 0 etc. at the time...


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